This year I:
- Lived in a house with 4 other women
- Lived on $90 a month
- Learned to be family with strangers
- Was a minority for the first time
- Rode busses, walked or biked everywhere including the grocery store
- Gardened out of necessity
- Lived in a room that used to the be the Laundry Room
- Couponed a lot
- Experienced poverty, violence and crime
- Painted a mural
- Fed the hungry
- Watched 7 kids graduate high school that were told they would never live to 18
- Marched in the nations largest MLK march
- Lived and worked in two yellow houses
- Attended a Bi-lingual church
- Worked shorlty at a day care int eh projects
- Took teenagers camping
- Drove a stick shift successfully
- Picked up trash
- Made tamales from scratch
- Traved to: New Mexico, Arizona, Colorado, New York, Tenessee and Mexico
- Wrote grants
- Learned to meditate
- Read more of the Bible than ever before
- Went RVing for the first time
- Found God outside of the four walls
- Slept whenever I could
- Made new friends
- Lost my grandmother
- Played music everywhere
- learned that basketball is just no my game
- Went on a delegation to Mexio that changed my life
- Fought for immigrant rights
- Became well versed inteh DREAM Act
- Built a labrynth
- Learned Mandala meditation
- Got a puppy
- Fixed showers, mowers, doors, cars, stoves and toilets... to name a few
- Spoke a whole of of Spanish
- Found out that the best food is in the creepy places
- Made friends with a cute elderly lady that come for food assisatnce
- Experienced my first earthquake
- Taught a confirmation class
- Didn't watch TV
- Got my butt pinched by lots of well meaning old ladies
- Lived in the Barrio
- Fed thanksgiving meal to over 600 people
- Tie Dyed
- Swam in public pools
- Saw drug deals
- Met gang members
- Made hundreds of power points
- Had moms tell me to quit serving PB and J
- Saw a badger for the first time
- Got my bike stolen
- Learned that there will always be more growing to do
- Found out that Sometimes the hardest people to love are the ones I can learn the most from
- Saw that Mennonites are seriously awesome
- Met other volunteers my age
- Spent hours arguing with one roommate
- Stopped holding people to my expectations
- Learned to go with the flow
- Adjusted to San Antonio time where 11 means 11:20
- Lots of arts and crafts
- Learned tha teenagers are the same everywhere, no matter what
- Chopped down a tree
- Crocheted over 20 hats
- Finally got along with my roommate
- Cooked all kinds of new foods
- Found out that I will be judged because of the color of my skin
- Found social justice to be my passion
- Worked a food bank delivery day
- Killed lots of cockroaches
- Taugh a kid to fish
- Re-learned algebra
- Learned taht you must put cumin in everyhting
- Called animal controll
- Met kids who changed my life
- Became a family with 4 women I woul dhave never even chosen to live with and will never forget because they are now my sisters
- I joined a church
- Finally heard my calling
- Picked seminaryies
- Laughed, cried, yelled was angry, sad, frustrated, enlightened, centered and every other emotion possible